  • DeadlineStudy Details:

    1 year (full-time); 2 years (part-time)

Masters Degree Description

Why Study Applied Psychology with us?

Our course emphasises evidence-based practice, providing an opportunity to learn about intervention design and how those interventions can be assessed using rigorous scientific standards. The course adopts an ‘active learning’ approach, giving you the chance to try your hand at assessing and intervening in the classroom setting so you can gain confidence in applying what you learn as you go. Our teaching team includes psychologists with practitioner experience in a range of applied settings.

Entry Requirements

To apply for this course, you need an honours degree in Psychology (minimum 2.2).

Non-psychology degrees will only be considered if the applicant can show that they have successfully completed training in research methods equivalent to the core research methods training included in a standard UK psychology undergraduate course. If English is not your first language, a 7.0 IELTS score, with no less than 6.0 in any band, or equivalent is needed.

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