Masters Degree Description
If you enjoyed forensic psychology at undergraduate level and want to take your learning further, then our postgraduate course will help take your skills to the next level. We are ideal for those with a professional interest working within forensic and legal contexts, including with victims of crime or offenders. You can choose to study on a full or part-time basis to suit your needs.
You’ll develop specialised knowledge and a critical awareness of issues at the forefront of Applied Forensic Psychology. We are accredited by the British Psychological Society (BPS) and study theoretical and practical issues pertinent to those working in forensic settings.
Entry Requirements
1st or 2nd class honours degree that confers eligibility for Graduate Basis for Chartership (GBC) from the British Psychological Society.
Student Destinations
The largest employer of fully qualified forensic psychologists is HM Prison Service. You may also work for the NHS within rehabilitation units and secure hospitals, or seek employment in the social services, university departments or consultancy work. The skills you learn will be considered highly valuable in a wide range of jobs outside this area as well.
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