
MSc AI and Sustainable Development

  • DeadlineStudy Details: MSc 1 year full-time, 2 years part-time

Masters Degree Description

AI for a Sustainable Future: Innovate, Transform, Sustain.

As artificial intelligence advances rapidly, coupling ethical AI expertise with sustainability perspectives remains imperative yet underexplored. Our programme provides rigorous interdisciplinary training grounded in priorities of underserved regions worldwide. We nurture responsible leaders to pioneer systemic approaches embedding contextual AI innovations that thoughtfully uplift marginalised communities. Graduates lead at the nexus of ethical technology deployment and inclusive and sustainable development.

This innovative programme will equip you to drive social, economic, and environmental change through ethical AI innovation. The curriculum covers interdisciplinary topics spanning programming, algorithms, data science, machine learning, natural language processing, policy analysis, systems thinking, and sustainability principles. Core modules such as 'AI and Sustainable Development' and 'AI for Global Challenges' provide the contextual insight and technical skills to deploy AI solutions upholding inclusion and empowerment. Optional modules allow customisation across pertinent areas like governance, inequality, climate resilience, and more.

With rigour and versatility, graduates are prepared for impactful roles advancing responsible technology deployment in NGOs, governments, social enterprises and beyond. Hands-on projects, real-world focus, cross-disciplinary faculty, and emphasis on ethical reasoning underpin adaptable expertise poised for emerging careers at the intersection of sustainability and digital transformation. Intended for passionate, globally-minded students and professionals, especially those with social science backgrounds, this programme nurtures intercultural competence, nuanced perspectives, and inclusive mindsets to pioneer systemic change uplifting vulnerable communities worldwide.

Entry Requirements

A minimum of an upper second-class Bachelor's degree in social science (or a related discipline) from a UK university; or an overseas qualification of an equivalent standard. All applicants must provide evidence of successfully completing at least one advanced module in quantitative methods, statistics, data science or econometrics during their Bachelor's degree.

Relevant practical or professional experience in a related area may also be taken into account. This could include having worked for at least two years in an international development organisation, think tank, international organisation, development consulting role, or in a data science position. The key criteria are having applicable work experience of two or more years duration in a field connected to sustainable development or data science.

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Programme Funding

The University of Birmingham is offering AI and Data Science Masters Scholarships in 2024-2025 for nine Masters programmes to upskill students from under-represented backgrounds to progress into the AI and Data Science workforce.

This will include over 100 students from under-represented groups, particularly women, Black and disabled students and those from low-socioeconomic backgrounds, who will each be supported by a £10,000 scholarship.

Scholarship funding will be prioritised for women, Black students, disabled students and those from lower socioeconomic backgrounds, to ensure that AI reflects the makeup of our society. Funding is intended only for those under-represented students who meet the eligibility criteria.

Student Destinations

This programme prepares graduates for impactful careers at the intersection of technology and sustainability.

You will develop high demand skills tailored to the future needs of organisations seeking professionals with both AI competencies as well as contextual, ethical and systemic perspectives. Your expertise will be applicable across the public, private and non-profit sectors.

Example roles include AI and Sustainability Strategist, Policy Analyst, Technology Consultant, Data Scientist focusing on social/environmental issues, Project Manager for international development programs, Researcher specialising in responsible tech innovation, and positions within governmental bodies pioneering ethical frameworks and standards.

The programme’s emphasis on adaptability, critical thinking, collaboration and communication provides you with essential transferable abilities to excel in diverse settings. You will gain intercultural fluency and nuanced understanding applicable worldwide, especially in regions with great potential for AI to empower communities when responsibly deployed.

We expect our graduates to drive change as innovative leaders navigating complex challenges at the intersection of technology, sustainability and inclusive development.

Module Details

Compulsory modules

  • Algorithms for Data Science
  • Current Topics in Data Science
  • Programming for Data Science
  • AI for Global Change
  • AI and Sustainable Development 
  • AI and Sustainable Development Project

You must choose 20 credits from the following list. Each module is worth 20 credits.

  • AI for Government and Policy
  • Gender and Development
  • Conflict Analysis and Humanitarian Interventions
  • Conflict and Development
  • Democracy, Dictatorship and Development
  • Development Projects and Programmes
  • Disability and Inclusive Development
  • Environment and Sustainable Development
  • Global Cooperation on Global Problems
  • Global Environmental Governance
  • Globalisation & Governance
  • Making Policy
  • Post Conflict Reconstruction & Development
  • Public Financial Management
  • Public Management and Leadership
  • Public Sector Reform
  • Urban Poverty + Policy
  • Visualisation

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