
PG Dip Advanced Practice of Cognitive Behavioural Therapy / High Intensity IAPT

  • DeadlineStudy Details:

    PgDip: 1 year part-time

Masters Degree Description

Accredited by the British Association for Behavioural and Cognitive Psychotherapies (BABCP).

Do you want to help treat depression and anxiety in others? If you already work in the health sector, why not expand your skills through training in Cognitive Behaviour Therapy? We have an excellent history of producing professional CBT practitioners, working with clinical partners in Lancashire and Cumbria to support students in developing their practice. You’ll learn everything you need to be a successful provider of CBT, able to work with clients to help them achieve the most from their therapy, and advance your career options through our fully accredited course.

This is a masters level programme for suitably qualified individuals working within health and social care settings who wish to develop their practice skills in Cognitive Behavioural Therapy. Our course strives to link theory and practice, enabling you to conceptualise underpinning theories and principles with practices in your own work setting.

Entry Requirements

Please note that to be considered for this course you must have have applied to and been selected for an appropriate role by the NHS.

Normally applicants will be required to hold an honours degree classification 2ii or above in a cognate mental health core profession, such as nursing, psychology, occupational therapy or social work.

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Student Destinations

You’ll be able to apply for accreditation as a Cognitive Behaviour therapist with the British Association of Behaviour and Cognitive Psychotherapists. You can use your skills as a CBT professional or join the NHS as a High Intensity Worker in Improving Access to Psychological Therapies (IAPT) Services.

Our course also offers the chance to undertake a supervised research project which will be written up as part of your studies, and which may later be published in an appropriate academic journal. There are also entry points for the Postgraduate Diploma Advanced Practice in CBT and Postgraduate Certificate Evidence Based Psychological Approaches (CBT).

Module Details

Year one

Compulsory modules

  • Fundamentals of CBT 
  • CBT for Anxiety Disorders 1
  • CBT for Depression 
  • Advanced Supervision of CBT Practice 1 
  • Advanced Supervision of CBT Practice 2 
  • CPT for Anxiety Disorders 2 
  • QPU Advanced Practice of CBT 

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