
MSc Advanced Mechanical Engineering with Industrial Application

  • DeadlineStudy Details: 2 years

Masters Degree Description

MSc Advanced Mechanical Engineering with Industrial Application is a 2-year degree which offers practical application as well as advanced teaching in design and research in mechanical engineering.

This degree is specifically for graduates with an engineering background looking to enhance their career opportunities. Students will gain the technical, scientific and managerial abilities essential for a career as a professional mechanical engineer. The programme enables students to obtain an MSc as well as gaining practical experience in an industrial setting. 

Entry Requirements

A upper second honours degree in engineering, or other relevant disciplines with a numerate background. Equivalent overseas qualifications will also be considered.


See our website for fees

Student Destinations

This programme is designed to enable graduates to undertake a wide range of technical and managerial careers across the sector, e.g. process and plant design, construction, commissioning, operation, management to specialist consultancy and advanced research and development.

Each year there are two university-wide recruitment fairs held and seven industry-specific recruitment and networking events, giving you the chance to meet with graduate employers and find out about opportunities.

Module Details

Year 1
Specialist Engineering Technologies 1: The first of the specialist engineering technologies courses is based on computational fluid dynamics and assessed by a group project.

Optional (choose two)
Engineering Design: 
Fluids 1: 
Advanced Mechanics of Materials 1
Dynamics 1
Thermodynamics 1
Flame Appraisal
Critical Analysis and Research Preparation
Failure Accident Analysis
Specialist Engineering Technologies 2
Optional (choose one)
Fluids 2
Dynamics 2
Thermodynamics 2
Engineering Manufacture
Flame Development

Year 2
All students complete a Masters Dissertation. An individual project led by a research active member of staff on a current research theme with the aim of leading to the production of a journal article.

This semester will be spent applying your knowledge and skills in industrial application or undertaking an interdisciplinary research project. 


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