
MMedSci Advanced Clinical Practice (General Practice)

  • DeadlineStudy Details:

    MMedSci 3 years part-time

Masters Degree Description

This course gives you the knowledge and skills required to play an expanded role in providing care for your patients. It’s designed for registered nurses, pharmacists, physiotherapists, paramedics and related healthcare practitioners within general practice who want to work at an advanced level of clinical practice. The course can be taken as a standard degree programme or apprenticeship.

Throughout the programme, you’ll cover all four pillars of advanced practice: clinical practice, leadership and management, education, and research. You will gain advanced skills in anatomy, history taking and clinical examination, develop your understanding of evidence-based practice and learn how to deal with complex clinical situations and improve patient services. You’ll also cover the training necessary to become an independent prescriber.

Entry Requirements

Minimum 2:2 undergraduate honours degree in a health discipline (e.g. nursing, midwifery, pharmacy, physiotherapy, paramedic science).

Minimum of a grade 4/C in GCSE English Language and Maths or equivalent (please upload evidence of this to your application).

We also consider a wide range of international qualifications:

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Student Destinations

Graduates from this course can work as advanced clinical practitioners (ACPs), specialising in primary care.

ACPs are experienced and knowledgeable healthcare professionals who have expanded their scope of practice to better meet the needs of the patients in their care. They’re an integral part of the NHS Long-Term plan, and following graduation you’ll have plenty of opportunities to progress your career as a highly-skilled, autonomous healthcare leader.

Past students have gone on to secure senior roles within health settings such as the NHS, The Resuscitation Council and the Department of Health. These roles include:

  • Nurse consultant
  • Advanced paramedic
  • Research nurse
  • Matron
  • Patient transport lead

Other students have gone on to find success in teaching roles in UK universities.

Module Details

See our website for current modules

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