
MSc PG Cert PG Dip Advanced Biomedical Science

  • DeadlineStudy Details:

    MSc/PG Dip/PG Cert One year full-time. Three years part-time

Masters Degree Description

The Advanced Biomedical Science course builds on many years of biomedical science provision at De Montfort University. The overall aims are to improve your laboratory speciality knowledge, research, and management skills in an atmosphere of ongoing scholarship and research.

  • Accredited by the Institute of Biomedical Sciences (IBMS)
  • Developed in conjunction with local health trusts, you will benefit from visiting lecturers from Health and Care Professions Council (HCPC) registered experts
  • Learn from a team of experienced practitioner-based academic staff and researchers
  • Enhances career opportunities within the pathology services or bio science/ biotechnology industries both in the UK and overseas
  • Provides depth of background to bio science graduates, and enhanced portfolio of skills for current professionals
  • Tailor your learning relevant to your career interests
  • Interact with other healthcare professionals, and develop transferrable skills from others in the field

Entry Requirements

  • Normally a minimum of a 2:2 or equivalent Honours degree in Biomedical Science, or a relevant biological subject
  • Other qualifications with relevant experience may be considered. Please contact us for more information
  • In addition to this, part-time students will also need relevant professional experience (this would be normal practice as a HPC-registered biomedical scientist working in the NHS )
  • Experienced practitioners are encouraged to apply
  • If English is not your first language an score of 6.5 or equivalent when you start the course is essential. English language tuition,delivered by our British Council accredited Centre for English Language Learning, is available both before and during the course if you need it. To find out more, please visit


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Full-time £6864, Part Time 15 credit taught module £572, 60 credit dissertation £2288. International: Full-time £12,200

Module Details

In the first semester you will study the following modules (15 credits):

  • Research Designs in Health
    focuses on study design, through collection and presentation of data, to data analysis and the writing up of research results.
  • Evidence-Based Practice
    aims to ensure that individual client care is based on the best available evidence rather than personal opinion and past practices.

Plus a choice from two of the following:

  • Advanced Molecular Biology and Genomics
    gives grounding in current laboratory technique and theory, and a critical overview of current concepts EU World.
  • Cancer Biology
    builds upon basic knowledge in the area of cancer biology.
  • Advanced Topics in Biomedical Science
    discusses current concepts, controversies and latest methodological advances in Biomedical Science.

In the second semester you will study:

  • Strategic Leadership and Effective Management
    (30 credits) will encourage you to analyse various approaches in respect to healthcare provision.
  • The Research Project
    (60 credits) will provide you with the opportunity to design, execute and report upon a laboratory-based scientific project — either developing a method or addressing a research problem.

Plus, one pathology speciality module (30 credits) from a choice of:

  • Advanced Haematology and Transfusion Science
    develops basic knowledge in haemostasis, anaemias, myeloproliferative diseases and transfusion science practice.
  • Advanced Medical Microbiology
    focuses on host-microbe interactions involving (mainly) bacteria and viruses, as well as modern techniques of microbial analysis of relevance to clinical microbiology.
  • Advanced Chemical Pathology
    is designed to give a thorough grounding in current laboratory technique and theory, diagnostic interpretation and a critical overview of current concepts and developments in the modern clinical chemistry laboratory.
  • Advanced Immunopathology
    addresses current issues in immunopathology for Biomedical Science professionals. The module will cover the influence of drugs on the immune system and with the principles and techniques of immunostimulation, immunosuppression and immunoprophylaxis.
  • Advanced Histopathology and Cytopathology
    will provide a thorough grounding in current laboratory technique and theory,and diagnostic interpretation in cellular pathology. This will include the Human Tissue Act and specimen collection, health and safety fixation and antigen retrieval.

You will study your chosen specialism at an advanced level, through selecting your optional modules. In the final year you will carry out a research project (dissertation) in one of our laboratories or in your NHS laboratory (if you are an existing practitioner). This will enable you to choose and research a particular topic in-depth.

Following the submission of the dissertation there will be an oral presentation and questions.

First year – Generic modules for all MSc students (usually Wednesday am/pm)

Second year – Wednesday pm

Third year – Research in labs; full-time students can expect to attend university two days per week before Christmas and full-time after

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