
Propel your career to a higher level with The Doctorate in Business Administration (DBA) at the University of Dundee School of Business

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The Doctorate in Business Administration (DBA) at the University of Dundee School of Business is a professional doctorate aimed at developing working executives, managers and leaders, looking to advance their education beyond master’s and MBA level.

If you are seeking a qualification to make you stand out and that differentiates your experience, our part-time distance learning DBA programme will help you in learning to apply theory to management or business-related problems. In contrast to PhDs, the focus is on leadership and business practice, using theory to help organisations change and innovate, rather than only theoretical development and contribution.

We are AACSB accredited

We are fully accredited by the AACSB together with only 8% of global business schools. Our School and its facilities have been recognised internationally for the highest standards. Your DBA will come from one of the world’s elite business schools and stand out even more because of that.

Who is it for?

Open to those currently at Masters level and beyond with 5 years or more or professional experience, the DBA is for executives seeking to advance their professional careers through a programme of study and peer to peer learning.

Find out more and apply for September 2024

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Who is eligible to apply?

Open to those currently at Masters level and beyond with 5 years or more or professional experience, the DBA is for executives seeking to advance their professional careers through a programme of study and peer to peer learning.

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