
MSc Sport and Exercise Medicine

  • DeadlineStudy Details:

    MSc 12 months full time, 24 months part time

Masters Degree Description

Are you passionate about Sport and Exercise Medicine?

This flexible Masters course is designed to offer medical doctors, physiotherapists, sport therapists, podiatry or osteopathy healthcare professionals a unique and practitioner-led education in the field of Sport and Exercise Medicine (SEM). With this Masters, you will be able to apply what you learn to any physical activity, exercise or sporting event that requires qualified SEM cover, with immediate effect. Indeed, there is currently a rapidly growing expectation amongst professional sports clubs that healthcare professionals working in professional sport will have undergone structured training programmes to a Masters level.

Your course will feature three of the UK’s consultants in SEM and a number of the UK’s leading physiotherapists in musculoskeletal (MSK) medicine and elite sport. As the course is based in the Faculty of Biological Sciences, you will also have the opportunity to learn from country-leading sports & exercise scientists. As an added bonus, being based in Yorkshire means you will have access to a range of fantastic professional sports teams and MSK services.

Suitable for full-time or part-time study, this course comprises a mixture of face-to-face learning, placements in clinics and leading sports clubs, alongside online learning, providing a course that’s suitable for applicants in full-time employment as well as those looking to study full time. You will join a small, student-focused cohort of 15-20 healthcare practitioners, offering you the opportunity to network and learn from peers alongside strong tutor support and senior clinician mentorship. This course provides you with the unique ability to learn and work alongside a multi-disciplinary team of doctors, physiotherapists and sports therapists, just as you would in an elite sports setting.

For doctors, SEM is now a recognised training route by the General Medical Council for clinicians. A key deliverable in new government strategies has meant demand for SEM training has increased. with Portfolio doctors and those wishing to work with an extended role in MSK medicine or SEM can now gain formal training through courses such as this MSc in SEM.


  • Strong emphasis on the development of technical skills necessary for SEM practice.
  • Hands-on training in clinics and pitch-side experience in professional sport (organised around your diary).
  • Access to brand new sports facilities and labs.
  • Two fixed mandatory teaching days a month on campus (commensurate with NHS study leave allowances), with additional flexible teaching activities, tutor meetings and placements scheduled around this.
  • Chance to study a SEM topic in depth for the research project with the opportunity to disseminate the findings at conferences and/or in peer-reviewed journals.
  • Allocated SEM mentors to support not only your MSc study but also to provide careers advice and mentorship.
  • Extensive employment opportunities subsequently exist within: NHS MSK, private sports medicine clinics and sports clubs.

Entry Requirements

A bachelor degree with a 2:1 (hons), IELTS 6.5 overall, with no less than 6.0 in any component

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Please see our website for fees information

Student Destinations

This course is designed to train enthusiastic professionals wishing to pursue a career in the relatively new discipline of Sport and Exercise Medicine (SEM). With this Masters, you will be able to apply what you have learned to any physical activity, exercise or sporting event that requires qualified SEM cover, with immediate effect.

Overall, the course aims to equip you with the skills and expertise to enhance the value of previous training to those organisations.

Module Details

Year 1 compulsory modules

Functional Sports Anatomy and Clinical Assessment 15
Musculoskeletal Medicine and Sport Injuries 30
The Sport and Exercise Medicine Practitioner I 15
Exercise Physiology, Health and Sports Nutrition 30
Clinical Exercise Prescription 15
The Sport and Exercise Medicine Practitioner II 15
Project Work and Dissertation 60

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