
PG Cert Middle Leadership & Management In Schools

  • DeadlineStudy Details:

    PgCert: 12 months part-time

Masters Degree Description

This programme for practising teachers covers the major elements of middle leadership and management in schools and is designed to provide you with a critical understanding of the principles underpinning middle leadership and management.


  • If you are a Principal Teacher (or head of department/faculty): or are looking to progress into this role; and want to develop your skills as middle leaders in school, this programme is designed for you.
  • It uses practice-focused learning to develop your capability to lead teaching and learning within your school (Department or Faculty); particularly to achieve the ambitions of Curriculum for Excellence.
  • Our academic staff play a leading role in the area of professional and leadership development in Scotland. They have been involved in a range of research projects on headteacher recruitment, teacher leadership, coaching and leadership development, teachers’ work and collaborative professional enquiries.
  • There is a focus on collaborative learning, drawing on your own experiences and those of your academic colleagues.

Entry Requirements

  • Honours degree or equivalent qualification in education or a related field.
  • Full GTCS registration and a minimum of three years professional experience following full registration.
  • Endorsement from your employer (a letter of support is required) and access to a suitable workplace environment in order to be able to undertake the practice-based components of the programme.
  • A brief synopsis of your leadership experience. The synopsis should focus upon your experience of leading beyond the classroom and should be no more than 500 words.

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Please see our website for fee information

Student Destinations

As a graduate you would have all the necessary attributes to progress into, or enhance your capabilities in leadership role within schools.

Module Details

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