
MA Interdisciplinary Psychology

  • DeadlineStudy Details:

    MA: 1 year full-time, 2 years part-time

Masters Degree Description

Our course is the only one in the UK to offer a combination of transpersonal, psychoanalytic and critical approaches to Psychology. You will explore ways of understanding the self as an open evolving project which develops through interaction – both with other selves and with shared meanings, rituals and symbols. This approach reflects developments at the leading edge of Psychology, drawing upon insights from the whole history of human exploration of the self, from ancient Greece, India and China to the twenty-first century.

Entry Requirements

Applicants should either have at least a second class honours degree in the cognate subjects of Psychology, Sociology, Health & Social Care, Humanities combined awards, English Literature, Politics, Economics, Philosophy, Religious Studies, Human Geography, History, Business Studies, Criminology, Journalism, Media Studies, Anthropology, Education Studies, Peace Studies, European Studies, International Political Economy, Social Work, Law or Youth & Community Studies, at least a second class honours degree in a non-cognate subject supported by evidence of an aptitude for the subject applied for, or have equivalent experience or training, normally from within the work environment. All applications should be supported by a reference, either academic or professional; all applicants should satisfy our University English language requirements. 
IELTS 6.0 with no skills below 5.5, or an equivalent qualification. The University provides excellent support for any applicant who may be required to undertake additional English language courses.

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For fees and funding information please see our website

Student Destinations

Our course will prepare you for a wide range of careers. You will gain expertise which can be applied to professions including research, education, counselling, art therapy, life coaching, health and social care, human resources and working in media. Individual modules can be taken within the Continuing Professional Development Programme, or counted towards UKCP and BACP training hours.

Clinical Psychologist
Educational Psychologist
Occupational Psychologist

Module Details

Explore the developments in psychoanalysis that have occurred since the pioneering work of Freud and the first generation of psychoanalysts by studying the work of Melanie Klein and British Object Relations, and the Structuralist psychoanalysis of Jacques Lacan and his followers.

Develop your understanding of ideas, concepts and practices of research within Interdisciplinary Psychology, in order to support both your exploration of specific research and case studies, and your own independent research project.

Explore the origins, first figures, foundational concepts and theories of the psychoanalytic enterprise, in particular the ideas and practice of Sigmund Freud.

Demonstrate your autonomous learning, originality in the application of knowledge, and research techniques and methods to produce either a 15,000 word dissertation, critical literature review, or practice-based portfolio.

Understand a variety of theoretical and practical approaches to the study of mindfulness within contemporary psychology, psychotherapy, and a range of contemplative/spiritual traditions, including cross-cultural perspectives.

Gain an overview of transpersonal psychology theory and practice, including the exploration of ‘spiritual’ or ‘awakening’ experiences, unusual states of consciousness, and the concept of ‘enlightenment’.

Explore key concepts used in critical and transpersonal psychology and psychoanalysis, critically examining how different perspectives may use these concepts in both similar and distinctive ways.

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