  • DeadlineStudy Details:

    MSc /PGDip 1 year Full time

Masters Degree Description

For health care professionals from diverse backgrounds who wish to expand their knowledge of theoretical and practical aspects of oncology, this full-time programme is particularly suitable for medical professionals with an interest in clinical, medical, surgical and translational oncology. Unique to this programme is the exciting opportunity to gain clinical observership status and log your hours observing in a UK based hospital. Our network of University Hospitals provides state-of-the-art oncology treatments driven by innovative trials, multidisciplinary approach and molecular stratification.

Entry Requirements

As this programme is focused around professional practice It is essential that you have at least six months experience working in an oncology environment. This may include experience in medicine, surgery, pharmacy and the pharmaceutical industry, nursing, radiography, clinical trials, and other related disciplines.

You will also need an undergraduate degree in a suitable subject. This could include, but is not restricted to, the following fields: medicine, radiography, pharmacy, or relevant and equivalent experience/professional qualifications.

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