
MA Applied Linguistics and TESOL

  • DeadlineStudy Details:

    MA 1-2 years, full- or part-time

Masters Degree Description

On the MA Applied Linguistics and TESOL (campus-based), you will broaden and deepen your understanding of core areas of linguistics and its application to language learning and teaching. You will gain in-depth knowledge about language structure and language use, and learn how to analyse language using qualitative and quantitative research methods. The course also supports you in developing a critical awareness of approaches and issues in relation to the teaching and learning of English.

Through your choice of option modules and dissertation topic you can customise your degree towards your professional interests. You will be taught by our academic team who are highly experienced EFL teachers as well as internationally recognised experts in their research fields.

Based in our lively, international campus, in one of Britain’s most multicultural cities, you will learn in a supportive environment with your fellow students and staff, engaging in a range of face-to-face taught activities including lectures, seminars, guest talks and reading groups.

Research Methods and Dissertation, with an assessed proposal, allows you to focus on a particular area of interest or expertise. You will conduct a small-scale research study based on a topic of your own choice, developed under the guidance of your supervisor.

Entry Requirements

  • At least a relevant second class honours degree - or its equivalent from a non-UK university (GPA 3.0 or above)
  • You should normally be a teacher or working in the English Language Teaching field with one year's teaching experience

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For fees and funding options, please visit website to find out more.

Programme Funding

There are a number of possible sources of funding: loans and grants, bursaries and scholarships.

Student Destinations

Our degrees are highly valued by educational employers and our MA qualification will help you to raise your profile when seeking to advance your career as a language teaching professional. The field of English Language Teaching is increasingly competitive, and many organisations see a Master's level qualification as an essential requirement.

An MA from the University of Leicester indicates to employers that you have up-to-date knowledge and have developed critical and transferable skills that will equip you to take on a more senior role in the language teaching programme of any educational institution. Indeed, many of our past MA students have gone on to gain promotion or move into new, more demanding jobs on completion of the programme.

Module Details

MA Modules

Core modules

  • Teaching and Learning a Second Language
  • Exploring Grammar and Pronunciation: From Theory to Practice
  • Analysing Language in Social Contexts

Plus Research Methods and Dissertation

Option modules

Choose two option modules from:

  • Continuing Professional Development for English Language Teachers
  • Technology Enhanced Language Learning
  • Corpus Linguistics and Language Learning
  • Materials Design and Development
  • Migration, Superdiversity and Language
  • Psychological Issues in Language Learning

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